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Your iPhone Exploited by Hackers?

There were three major security flaws within the last update on the iPhone which were under the parameters of exploitation by hackers! When asked, an Apple spokesperson even declined to further comment regarding these flaws. The spokesperson did not clarify whether the attack was a wider one or a smaller one involving only a small number of users.

One out of the three bugs were found within the WebKit. It is a browser engine that support the in-built Safari browser commonly used by the iPhone users. The other bugs were found within the Kernel which is the core of the iPhone’s operating system.

This caused Apple to release another immediate iOS update to address and fix these security vulnerabilities that the hackers were using to target multiple iPhone users. This latest 14.4 operating system is immediately available for iPhone 6S and later versions, iPad Air 2 and later versions, iPad Mini 4 and later versions, and 7th generation iPod Touch.

Apple rarely finds security flaws within its system as it takes pride upon itself for the type of security system them own. It is, however, always open to receiving reports about any type of security flaw it may contain that could be problematic for its users.

Along with fixing these security issues, the updated operating system includes enhancement for keyboard lag and has further allowed its devices to be able to read smaller QR Codes. The giant tech has insisted all its users to update to the new 14.4 operating system as soon as possible.

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