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Apple’s Cheaper Music Subscription Is Now Available

Streaming services have become an essential part of everyone’s daily lives. With unlimited access to its large catalogues of music via phones or laptops, Apple music is surely popular with consumers. With the recent Apple Unleashed Event in October, Apple announced a new cheaper plan for its Apple Music subscription, called the Apple Music Voice Plan.

Apple’s music subscription usually costs its users around $9.99 per month for individuals and $14.99 per month for a family plan. This newest edition of Voice Plan will now only cost its user $4.99 per month.

This plan will be available to play on any Siri-enabled devices (only on Apple’s own devices). It will not be supported on any third-party devices such as speakers, Samsung Smart TV, or Android mobile phones.

As the name goes, this device only provides audio of the songs (standard sound quality), the users will not be able to look at the videos or the lyrics of the songs they are listening to.

A free trial version is now available for the users. If a user would like to sign up for the free trail, they simply need to say ‘Hey Siri, start my Apple Music Voice trial.’ This will enable a seven-day free trial plan.

Using Siri, the users will have access to over 90 million songs playlist. The plan is expected to roll out in 17 countries and regions.

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