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Augmented Reality In Snapchat?

The battle over launching new features within social media networks to attract users is never ending. After Facebook was turned down from purchasing Snapchat in 2013, it has started to throw multiple weights, in terms of features and apps, to make attempts to usurp Snapchat. As this tech giant has potential and massive user base for leveraging new products, it has become inescapable for Snapchat to continuously introduce new features to hold its users base intact.

With the fierce competition against Facebook, Snapchat has recently launched a new feature called 3D Paint Feature to get an upper hand in this intense competitive game. It has raised nearly $1 Billion in debt with this growing AR investment. Snapchat’s 3D Paint feature is based on augmented reality. It allows Snapchat users to create Augmented Reality snaps, doodle like objects, directly from their phones’ cameras. This AR feature is available to the users through the new toolbar called AR Bar within the Create section.

This feature is currently only limited to iOS users; however, Snapchat has mentioned that it will be launching this feature on the Android platform within the next upcoming months. Be it the launch of Bitmoji Party, wacky face filters or recent launch of AR Spectacles 3, Snapchat shows continuous growth of technology innovations and user base. With the shrinkage of users on Facebook, it wouldn’t be a surprise if Snapchat surpasses Facebook in the next coming years!

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